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`tag`: View and create message macros.

    A tag is a keyword that points to a larger message or an image. To view a
    tag, simply type `tag NAME`, where `NAME` is the name of the tag.

    Users who create a tag or have the Manage Messages permission are able to
    edit or delete it. Users can also be banned from the tag system, which
    prevents them from doing anything other than viewing tags or listing them.

        `tag add NAME CONTENT`: Add a tag with name `NAME`, where `CONTENT` is
            either a message or a URL to an image.
        `tag add NAME`: If an image is uploaded too, make the new tag point to
            that image.
        `tag remove NAME`: Remove tag with name `NAME`.
        `tag update NAME CONTENT`: Replace the content of tag `NAME`.
        `tag update NAME`: Replace `NAME`'s content, if a replacement image is
            uploaded too.
        `tag rename OLD NEW`: Rename tag `OLD` to `NEW`.
        `tag ban USER`: Prevent `USER` from editing or adding tags.
        `tag unban USER`: Re-allow `USER` to edit or add tags.
        `tag bans`: List all users banned from the tag system.
        `tag list`: View the names of all tags in this server.
        `tag show NAME` or `tag NAME`: View the tag with name `NAME`.