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`remind`: Send a message in a channel at certain times.
You must have the Manage Messages permission to interact with this command.
Reminders are defined in a `crontab`-style format that allows control over
which minute, hour, day of the month, month, and/or day of the week the
reminder is sent. A reminder also has a name, used to identify it for
editing; a channel, where it is sent; and a message, which is the text that
is sent in the reminder. For maximum effectiveness, consider mentioning a
relevant role in the reminder's message.
**Note:** Before reminders can be added in your server, you must set your
server's timezone using `timezone`.
`remind add NAME FORMAT TEXT`: Add a reminder to this channel.
`remind remove NAME`: Delete a reminder from this channel.
`remind list`: List all reminders in the server.
`remind move NAME`: Move a reminder to this channel.
`remind rename OLD NEW`: Rename a reminder.
`remind updatetime NAME FORMAT`: Change when a reminder triggers.
`remind updatetext NAME TEXT`: Change the message a reminder sends.
`remind enable NAME`: Enable a disabled reminder.
`remind disable NAME`: Stop a reminder from triggering.
**Reminder input format:**
The input format for a reminder is similar to a `crontab` entry. There
are five parts, separated by a space:
- Minute (0-59)
- Hour (0-23)
- Day of month (1-31)
- Month (1-12)
- Day of week (0-6) (Sunday to Saturday)
Any of these can be replaced by an asterisk (`*`), which means there is
no restriction for that element of time.